Vaporization is the way to replace the classic cigarette with the electronic cigarette. There are beginners and experts. The latter must know the equipment that the vaporizer may have in its kit. These boxes will be found in two types: the classic mode and the electronic mode. This type of box is rectangular in shape. It will give you more freedom and even more freedom of adjustment. The one who practices this vaporization will be able to take advantage of the valves to his expectations. He will be able to do it in person. The starting of the kit depends on the battery either integrated or removable.

The box mod

As we said, the vaporizer kit is for professionals only. It consists of equipment called box mod. It is useful in the field of vaporization. This box can have a power of 220W. It will be able to generate a large amount of steam. This box is rectangular in shape made up of electronic cigarette. Its purpose is to limit large steamers to the dependencies of electronic cigarette. There are several options in this tool: as stop function, start function, lock function. There are 3 kinds: simple box kit that offers a soft vape.  The advanced kit box that offers direct inhalation. And the expert kit box which is not suitable for beginners.

The clearomizer

This equipment is also part of the vaporizer kit. It is in this box that we put the e-liquid needed for the vaporizer. An equipment that does not require too much maintenance but simple handling. The quantity depends on your experience in the field. But for experts it can reach up to 26mm. In this case, the hyper hit is reached during the phenomenon. When the rate increases, my way of vaper will last even longer. It depends on your desire. If you vaporize a lot then you will have to insert a large quantity but if it is small then it goes with the rate. For a mixture of e-liquid of different flavors, it is the same procedure. For experienced vaporizers, you could do a direct inhalation.


A vaporizer expert should know that the resistor is part of the accessories of the vaporizer kit. The resistor also depends on your spraying experience. How many years have you been spraying? A high-performance heater must be used to reach the desired vaporization temperature. The smoke obtained during the phenomenon requires a great and strong resistance. The stronger it is, the better the result you will get. If the expert vaporizer wants to have a beautiful and ideal steam then it will be necessary to have an e-cigarette with high resistance. The steam that comes out depends on the powerful tools you use, starting with the resistance.

Quitting smoking can seem difficult, especially when the smoker doesn’t know how to do it properly. To reduce the level of nicotine in the body, the electronic cigarette is one of the best alternatives. Many specialists recommend it, particularly for its many virtues. In addition, the market offers a wide choice, whether for beginners or experienced smokers. So what are the advantages of the electronic cigarette, and how to get it freely?

Where to buy the electronic cigarette?

In recent years, the market has continued to grow, and several companies have specialized in the field of the electronic cigarette. Subsequently, the sale of the e-cigarette has gradually returned to legality. It is possible to buy in a specialized shop, but for those who prefer to remain anonymous, the ideal is to buy on the Internet. Indeed, dozens of sites specializing in the sale of electronic cigarette offer different ranges of products more or less sophisticated, with very varied prices. The electronic cigarette is also on sale at some tobacconists, in supermarkets.

How to make the right choice of electronic cigarette?

Choose his first electronic cigarette is a difficult task, and requires good advice. Several elements must be taken into account to choose the right model. First of all, it is necessary to choose the right equipment. Among the models that are on the market, choose those that best meet your needs. This is the case of the brand of e-cigarette, and the capacity of its tank. Also, do not forget to check the power and battery life. If you’re a beginner, remember to prefer a model with low nicotine. This is an important criterion, as it prevents you from coughing or other discomforts during vaporization.

Swapping the good old cigarette for the e-cigarette

The electronic cigarette to stop smoking has become fashionable, and many have adopted it. The electronic vaporization has indeed a direct impact on the health of a smoker. Studies have even shown that the electronic cigarette can significantly reduce the number of cigarettes smoked daily. In addition, conventional tobacco is composed of several toxic substances, such as acetone, tar or ammonia. The electronic cigarette for its part, allows you to inhale the e-liquid located in the tank, through a combustion phenomenon. To smoke while preserving his health, the e-cigarette fig in this case as a good option. In addition, it provides better sensations and can be customized according to the needs and desires of each.

You’ve probably already heard of the electronic chicha or electronic hookah. So you wondered what it was really about. By definition, e-chicha is a new form of tobacco consumption. It works in the same way as the electronic cigarette, allowing the smoker to inhale a water vapor flavored with the fragrance of his choice. The modernization of this electronic-type cigarette by specialists in the field, have made it suitable for new generations. Moreover, it is a big trend among young people today.

The electronic chicha: how it works

Anyone familiar with steamboating certainly knows what a chicha or hookah is. In this case, we talk about electronic chicha, which is then an alternative to the traditional cigarette. The functioning of the electronic chicha is more or less equal to that of the electronic cigarette. First of all, a scented liquid is heated, and then transformed into steam. It is possible to choose the different scents of its liquid. The difference between electronic chicha and classic chicha is that instead of sucking in smoke, you suck in steam. A difference is in its ease of transport because you can take it wherever you want and at the same time its battery has a great autonomy. They can then be a good investment because they don’t necessarily need a lot of maintenance.

The e-chicha: the advantages

The main advantage is that this device is compact and therefore you can easily put it in your pocket. The electronic chicha is equipped with a carrying case that makes it easy to use it whenever you want. Its use requires neither water nor charcoal. Simply insert the cartridge of the electronic shisha and then press the start button and start your spraying session. From a health point of view, for the moment it has not yet been proven that its use presents any danger. Indeed, replacing the smoke into steam is a great health benefit. Its use does not include the use of hydrocarbons or nicotine-free tobacco. Because, in the case of the classic hookah, a combustion occurs where the steamer inhales tar and carbon monoxide, both of which are harmful to health. Therefore, it is safer to use electronic shisha at the expense of classic shisha, to combine pleasure and health. In other words, e-chicha does not burn but vaporizes and therefore no toxic substances are consumed.

E-chicha and electronic cigarette: the differences

The biggest difference between the two devices is that the electronic cigarette is composed of nicotine. While, the electronic shisha is used only to inhale a scented vapor without nicotine. Electronic cigarettes are used by those who want to replace traditional cigarettes, therefore generally used constantly. This comes to say that it requires maintenance. And the liquid contained therein and nicotine must be refilled. Conversely, the electronic chicha is intended for recreational use. It is therefore not used constantly and the parts will therefore not be replaced often. Electronic shisha can be discarded after use when the e-liquid is finished. This property and the absence of nicotine makes e-chicha cheaper. Another difference between e-chicha and the electronic cigarette is how they work. Electronic cigarettes are not disposable, we can encounter several models with different designs and properties.

Nowadays, thousands of people around the world smoke cigarettes. This is harmful to their health, but also to those around them. A Chinese inventor had the idea to create what is called electronic cigarette or e-cigarette. Currently, the practice of the electronic cigarette is in vogue.

Know everything about the electronic cigarette

We will begin by drawing the attention of the target audience to the product, smokers and those who are new to the field, to its existence since the early 2000s. The electronic cigarette has nothing to do with a real cigarette. It is a device specially designed without tobacco or nicotine, or almost, depending on the smoker’s choice. No more matches and lighter, because you do not need to light it. It is a liquid that is introduced into the vaporizer or vaporizer with or without perfumes and aromas. This device is fragile and carrying accessories for the electronic cigarette are useful for its use. The goal in the design of the e-cigarette is primarily to help smokers to stop smoking gradually.

The different types of electronic cigarettes

There are different choices on the market today. They can also be found in tobacco shops and some shopping malls. With the evolution of new information and communication technologies, these products can be easily found on the net. Specialized sites offer different choices according to the customer’s needs. You can also find transport accessories for electronic cigarette on these sites with details. Professionals can satisfy the Internet user to the features and help them to place an order without moving to save time and money. You can find different shapes and colors of this device. We hear about the rechargeable or disposable e-cigarette. The rechargeable e-cigarette is very popular in the four corners of the globe, due to the possibility of recharging via USB and a clearomizer. The disposable one, as its name suggests is a cigarette in the shape of a classic cigarette. Equipped with a cartridge, it can easily be emptied and put in the trash after use. There is also the MOD model: a tube that holds rechargeable types of batteries.

What it takes to transport and protect the e-cigarette

Instructions are to be taken for those who have an electronic cigarette. It is fragile and can break easily, it requires special attention. As they say, there is liquid included in this device and it can easily spill at any time. However, carrying accessories for electronic cigarette are available in shops. But you can also find these accessories in websites with different choices and options. Starting with the silicone protection ring. There is also a silicone protective case, with or without neck strap. Protective accessories can be found in the form of a shell. For these accessories, patterns are available, or even personalized.

The e-cigarette is the effective remedy for the smoker who soon thinks he will no longer smoke cigarettes and take good care of his health. It is particularly about respect for the environment. The e-cigarette is a valuable aid to discover. The last piece of advice is not to wait long, but to stand in front of his keyboard and surf the net.

The electronic cigarette is mainly used by smokers seeking withdrawal. Beginners can also opt for this method to hang up. In any case, the dosage of nicotine in its e-liquid must be controlled. For the new vaporizer, an excessive dose leads to a risk of infernal coughing. And buying an expensive cartridge of e-liquid with a low nicotine content results in waste. For a well-informed buyer, he needs to define his ideal product. A choice that suits his nicotine needs.

What is the ideal nicotine concentration for you?

The new vaporizer considers two essential points when choosing the nicotine dosage in its e-liquid: its nicotine habits and the model of device it plans to use. To guide his choice, he thinks about the power of the steam in terms of nicotine. This factor defines the amount of nicotine consumed per puff. A social smoker can smoke up to 10 cigarettes a day. It is a smoker located among the low nicotine smokers. While the smoker who finishes more than one pack of cigarettes a day is clearly in the upper zone. These are the starting points for the nicotine withdrawal process. And these are the points that define his nicotine dosage as a vaporizer.

Opt for the gradual method!

There is a methodical way to reduce the dosage of nicotine in its e-liquid. The vaporizer opts for a daily, weekly, monthly reduction. The goal is to make progress towards your goal. The logical next step is to gradually reduce the nicotine content. The vaporizer starts either to decrease by 1mg of nicotine each time and thus lowers the level of nicotine previously mixed. For example, from 18mg/ml (1.8%) to 14mg/ml (1.4%), then to 10mg/ml (1.0%), and so on. On the other hand, dilution proves to be a good alternative for weaning. Some people recommend adding VG (vegetable glycerine) to their bottle of e-liquid, this naturally reduces nicotine. They add a zero nicotine product as each cartridge is used.

Get off the beaten track: explore the alternatives!

The choice can be made for the sub-ohm+ vapour. With a lower nicotine content that does not tear the throat. Switching to sub ohm implicitly leads to an immediate reduction in nicotine consumption. Another option is also available for vaporisers: DIY. It is a matter of making your own cartridge of e-liquid. The process consists of mixing the product of your choice with flavorings. The smoker can choose among different flavors, according to his preferences. The dilution in itself considerably reduces the dosage of nicotine in his e-liquid. This, while enjoying good flavors during vaporization.

Flavours are substances that can be used in many areas. Their role is to give a flavor (smell) to what we do (pastry, e-liquid, or perfumes). In an e-liquid, it is an indispensable (basic) substance to give a good sensation during the wash. But can it have any effect on our body?

The components of an e-liquid

The basic substances of an e-liquid is composed of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin and a flavor. Propylene glycol is often used as a solvent on food products. For an e-liquid, it is the substance that enhances the flavour and promotes the hit when vaporizing. It is mainly present in e-liquid as a flavour conductor.

Vegetable glycerine is the substance that gives an e-liquid a sweet taste. And to give it a flavour, flavouring is added. The aroma of e-liquid can be artificial or natural. Sometimes it is even produced with propylene glycol. However, it is important to know that some flavors can be harmful to the body because of their properties. Therefore, you should be careful when you buy your e-liquid. The best aromas are mostly natural aromas. This is because the natural is less dangerous than the chemicals of an artificial flavor.

To each his own taste

Each flavour has its own property and taste. You can then try to vary the flavours to find out which one will please you and suit you best.

The aromas of e-liquids is present to give a flavor. On the market, you can find 5 different types of flavor, including fruity, mentholated, gourmet, tobacco and drink. As their names indicate, the fruity and minty flavoured e-liquid are flavoured with fruit and mint (natural flavour). For greediness, it’s more for fans of pastries. The drink flavor, on the other hand, imitates drinks such as coke or coffee, etc.. For the tobacco flavour, it is for cigarette smokers who wish to convert to electronic cigarettes, this flavour imitates tobacco and ordinary cigarettes.

The effects of flavors during the vape

The flavour has no harmful effect on human metabolism. Of course, this is especially true for natural aromas. However, it is important to know that during steaming, certain molecules such as diacetyl can form under certain conditions such as heat and the presence of sugar in the flavour. This type of molecule can be harmful to your resistance. It is the gourmet flavor that is most likely to form this molecule because of its higher sugar content than other flavors.

The aroma of e-liquid main guarantor of the appreciation or not of a product. If a smoker does not like a flavour, he can just change the flavour and switch to another flavour until he finds the right one.

Spraying is an idea to voluntarily stop smoking cigarettes. Beginners who use this method are a little intimidated. The first time you’re going to vaporize, you will have to choose the e-liquid on the multitudes that are available. And do not forget the flavor of your choice. This substance is used in electronic cigarettes. It is composed of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin and nicotine. With these three components, water and alcohol can be added. After this mixture will be heated by the e-cigarette to have the steam you want.

The basis of the e-liquid: the PG/VG

Two of the indispensable components in the manufacture of the first e-liquid are PG or propylene glycol and VG or vegetable glycerin. PG is a syrupy substance that has no colour and no odour. You could use it in several areas such as cosmetics and food. In spraying, this element is used in the flavour carrier. The goal is to have the taste you want to have. If you mix it with nicotine, it promotes the hit: a feeling of contraction in the throat. For VG, it is like PG but the taste is rather sweet. Contrary to PG, it can produce dense steam when heated.

The rate of PG/VG

There are proportions to be respected when steaming. For example, if the PG level is dominant, then the flavour and the hit, i.e. the throat contraction, are the most favoured. This method is more practical for those who change their habit i.e. the classic cigarette into electronic cigarette. As proportion ordered for the first e-liquid are 70/30 or 80/20. If the rate is equal: 50/50. Then there will be an excellent alliance, a dense vapor and a hit that you will feel very present. If the rate of VG is more dominant, then the steam will be dense as usual but the taste or flavor is altered. And you won’t smell the hit but it will be light. The percentage can be 30/70 or 20/80.

The level of nicotine needed

We can add nicotine to the e-liquid you’re about to tap. This element is the material that makes the classic cigarette addictive. But the electronic cigarette allows you to stop smoking. It can be present in the e-cigarette with low dose to make it less harmful. This proportion is indicated on the box or bottle in mg / ml. Nicotine is the element that can cause the hit in the throat. If it is much more present in the electronic cigarette then it may cause a health hazard. When you vaper your first cigarette with your first e-liquid, then it will have to be equalized with the nicotine level that you currently smoke or before. And decrease this rate gradually. For example, if you are used to smoking 5 cigarettes a day, you could administer 3 and 6mg/ml.

E-cigarette e-liquids contain relatively few ingredients: additives, flavorings, glycerin, propylene glycol and nicotine. Here we are talking about vegetable glycerin. So, the VG or vegetable glycerin in the e-liquid is highly estimated from the steamers in order to make more steam. It is an essential ingredient in the composition of an e-liquid. So, here is what you need to know about this product.

What is Vegetable Glycerin?

Vegetable Glycerin is the basic element in e-liquids of electronic cigarette. Also known as glycerin or glycerol, it is valued for its softening and moisturizing qualities. It is a substance naturally present in nature, in certain beverages such as wine or food. It is also used in many chemical, food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical industries, … In this case, VG is present in our daily life as in most medicines, moisturizers, toothpastes, ready meals, … Vegetable glycerin in e-liquid has a slightly sweet taste in the form of a viscous, odourless and colourless liquid.

How is Vegetable Glycerin made?

The term “vegetable glycerin” refers to the fact that glycerin is acquired from vegetable oil produced by a catalyzed chemical transesterification process. It is important to note that there is no glycerol naturally present in plants. It results, to a lesser extent, from intestinal digestion of lipids, hydrolysis of triglycerides of lipoproteins in the blood, and lipolysis in fat cells. Glycerol is a compound that occurs naturally in living things (animals and humans). It is a precursor of glycogen and glucose. In general, it can be preserved by two main processes: the transesterification of vegetable oils or the saponification of fats.

Advantages and disadvantages of vegetable glycerin in e-liquids

The vegetable glycerin in the e-liquid allows the steamer to have an abundant and dense vapor with an e-cigarette. That’s why most manufacturers provide the e liquid 100% VG (vegetable glycerin), without propylene glycol. Based on an approach of respect for the environment and health that is generally suitable for individuals intolerant or sensitive to PG.

However, an e-liquid based on vegetable glycerin also has disadvantages. First of all, this type of e liquid requires a higher temperature to vaporize, however, a high temperature causes risks of overheating which then generates unfortunate elements such as acrolein. Acrolein is a toxic element, irritating the mucous membranes and skin (and therefore an irritant for the respiratory system). Then, its viscosity tends to dirty the wicks of the resistances of the vaporizer. Its sweet taste also masks the perception of aromas. In all cases, it is important to respect the manufacturers’ recommendations for use.

For those who are just starting out in steaming, these devices called drippers are going to be surprising. Indeed, they are tankless atomizers, which may raise questions as to their usefulness at first glance. However, you should know that the dripper or Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer is rebuildable.  It differs from other devices and comes in several varieties to satisfy any type of steam.

Dripper: an atomizer without tank

The spray dripper has the same principle of operation as any other reconstructible atomizer. Indeed, like its counterparts, it works from a resistance in contact with the e-liquid, hence the vaporization. The only difference is that it has no tank.

Thus, to supply the resistance with vaporization liquid, you will have to add the substance to the dropper. This is precisely the principle on which the device takes its name in English. For some vaporisers, this can be a constraint, but this system is not without its advantages. Indeed, there are steam-orientated drippers, equipped with an imposing mounting plate that allows the creation of low resistance values, but offering a large air supply for airborne vapour.

Dripper: for better restored flavours

Without tank, the spray dripper allows to position the resistance just under the mouthpiece of the atomizer. When the resistor heats up, the steam created will be inhaled directly by the vaporizer. The result is that the aromas do not suffer any deterioration until the arrival in the mouth.  The sensation is therefore immediate, with an intense flavor. This is why drippers are to be preferred to better feel the taste of liquids. However, in order to combine a large amount of steam and flavour, you must choose a device with a high level of aeration. A flavour-oriented dripper will have a reduced mounting tray, with less air flow to preserve all the aromas optimally.

Case of the “Rebuildable Dripping Tank Atomizer”

To give users the perfect device, manufacturers now offer so-called RDTA (Rebuildable Dripping Tank Atomizer) atomizers, hybrid models. They can be described as spray dripper versions with a tank, some of which are removable. This makes it possible to have two types of devices in one. This type of atomizer can both restore flavors as when using a dripper, but the comfort is that of a tank device. In this case, the tank is placed under the mounting plate of the resistors. The objective is to maintain an acceptable distance between the mouthpiece and the resistor, having a supply of e-liquid.

The main characteristics of an RDTA are the presence of two coils, the location of the bridge and the absence of a bell and chimney system.

If there is one term that is commonly heard when it comes to the electronic cigarette, it is the word “hit”. The latter says a lot for English speakers, but is still very confusing for Francophones. However, if steamers refer to it, it is because they feel it as soon as they consume the e-cigarette. Here are the factors that cause this sensation.

Level of nicotine in an electronic cigarette

The nicotine content is a first factor behind the hit in vaporization. The higher the nicotine content, the more strongly the vaporizer will feel this sensation in the throat. Thus, if you find that your e-cigarette does not cause the desired hit, you should opt for an e-liquid containing more nicotine. Conversely, a substance with low levels of nicotine will reduce this effect. However, in the case of a presence of nicotine salt, the hit will feel much less. It will probably take several tries before you find the right spray conditions for what you are looking for.

The battery power of the device

Another factor that varies the sensation of the vaporizing hit is the power of your electronic cigarette. Often, we notice that the hit increases proportionally with this parameter. It is possible to get more steam thanks to batteries with an adjustable voltage. In recent years, there are such models, allowing each user to adapt the device according to his needs. If you want to simultaneously increase the power and the steam flow rate, you will have to choose the lowest resistance value.

The optimum power range is usually between 10 and 25 Watts. This means that you will have to choose a power battery within this range to get the most out of your device. In any case, to have a pleasant hit, be careful not to heat up the resistance of the device too much and to make spaced vaporizations.

Ratio between vaporization hit and PG/VG ratio

Propylene Glycol or PG plays a key role in the taste and aroma of e-liquids. Although it doesn’t produce much steam, it has a great influence on the sensation of the hit when steaming. An e-liquid with a high PG content will have a stronger taste and a stronger hit. Therefore, 100% PG e-fluids are preferred if you want to optimize the effects.

Vegetable Glycerine (VG), on the contrary, is more responsible for the steam production. It reduces both the feeling of the aromas and the hit. Moreover, it is often the cause of the fouling of the resistors of clearomizers.

On the other hand, an e-liquid with a high VG rate cannot be used on any equipment. You will have to choose an electronic cigarette more powerful and efficient for a high rate of VG.

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